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Upcoming Events


Sisu's Silly Swings Classic 

Monday, June 17, 2024 | Royal Lakes Golf Course 

$600 for a 4-person team  

$150 for individuals 



Rock in the Spring

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Thank you to everyone who came out and supported us at this event! It was a huge success!



Nancy Copper Sisu Spark Award 2023!

The Nancy Copper Sisu Spark Award represents grit, tenacity, bravery, and resilience. 

'Sisu' Is a concept that describes our ever-growing community's spirit, meaning extraordinary determination in the face of adversity and courage in situations where a positive outcome seems unlikely. In other words, it is deciding on a course of action, and adhering to it, even if failures ensue - it is determination to succeed. 

Sisu is proud to honor former board member, Nancy Copper, and her excellent example of sisu through her cancer trial by naming the award, "The Nancy Copper Sisu Spark Award". 

The Nancy Copper Sisu Spark Award was awarded to Puzzle Piece Pastries of Gainesville! Puzzle Piece Pastries is a local, non-profit, bakery that is dedicated to providing job opportunities to adults with autism and other disabilities. Thank you Puzzle Piece Pastries for sharing our mission to serve those individuals in our community! We appreciate you.  


Sisu (sē-su) noun – a Finnish concept described through a combination of English terms including inner determination, persistence, grit, bravery, resilience, hardiness and indomitable spirit. Strength and resoluteness in the face of adversity. An action mindset enabling individuals to reach beyond perceived capabilities and take action against all odds.